Games Factory Talents Turns 3!
Time has flown at an incredible pace at GFT and I am proud to announce that we have completed three years of engaging with the best talent and companies in the gaming industry!

Reminiscing about the inception of the company, we started out with a vision to build an international community of talented game tech professionals and help them connect with local game studios in Finland. We began with a humble two clients; since then, our customer base has grown exponentially over the last three years to "over 75% of the Studios in the Game Industry in Finland". More importantly than just pure growth, it gives me great pride to say that we have gained the trust of our customers and the broader industry ecosystem.

Our last three years coincided with a time when we, as a human race, felt the effects of one of the worst pandemics in our history. As a recruitment agency, we felt the impact too as face-to-face interactions play a big role in this industry. Furthermore, our annual trademark event – Games Job Fair – where we have many gaming companies and gaming talent come together, came to a complete halt.

As the saying goes "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade" and that's exactly what we did. Like most companies, we ventured into the digital world and hosted our first virtual job fair not knowing if we would succeed. Interestingly, not only was our first virtual job fair successful but we just held our biggest Games Job Fair this April with 1,778 applicants! And have now moved from hosting the event annually to twice a year. None of this would have been possible without the support of the Finnish Game Associations and our clients that participated.

Our success is reaping its dividends and we are now expanding to target the broader Nordic market. With many new international clients, we are now planning to host our first Nordic Games Job Fair in October 2021.
Oleg Paliy
CEO / Games Job Fairs organizer
As a startup company, I believe we achieved some significant milestones within a short period of time. We are still a small team of talented and passionate individuals that put our customers at the heart of our endeavors and we stay true to our mission of "Connecting Passion and Talent". Our customers and candidates are part of our journey and our success, and we promise to give them our best in the coming years!

We still have many hurdles to overcome and will continue to learn along the way, but for now, it's time to celebrate our many successes and enjoy a warm European summer!

Mid-summer team
meet up
The next virtual Games Job Fair!

Our next virtual Games Job Fair will be held in the October of 2021! So we urge you to connect with us on our social networks and we look forward to seeing you in a few months. Until then, we wish you success in finding your dream job and stay safe!